Brian Reich '00 High School English Teacher & Training Consultant
Brian Reich ’00 is a high school English teacher at Showa Shuei Gakuin and training consultant.
He was born in Rolling Hills, California, and grew up in Southern California before attending Oxy. After graduating, he found a job as a Sports and Activities Coordinator at a hotel in Saipan. He spent nearly a year in Saipan and met many interesting people from Japan, Korea, and China. After Saipan, he worked as an “ekaiwa” teacher in Japan for about 6 years. “Ekaiwa” (英会話) refers to English conversation schools in Japan, which emphasize practical communication skills, as opposed to the rigid Japanese system which emphasizes writing and reading skills.
He continued his career in education as a public elementary school Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) and created his own private tutoring program until 2011, when the East Japan earthquake occurred. Since then, he has been teaching high school English communication and intercultural assimilation courses.